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Below you will find my reflections with regards to our weekly inquiry experiences. I am currently enrolled in the course 6662S-1, Investigating the Living World at Walden University. Please remember to scroll down to the most recent posts. Posts from previous classes are still present. Please note I will use the course number in my title to better help you identify my posts.

Curiosity Leads to Discovery

Curiosity Leads to Discovery

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Ask a Scientist, but will they answer? (6662 week 3)

I was disappointed to not get a response from Ask a Scientist. I submitted several questions hoping one of them would be answered, so that I can share it with my class as well as my colleagues. In my classroom, we were beginning the unit on Life Science and I would like to explain to them how scientists know the function of each organelle. What type of microscope did they use to track organelle movement? What magnification?

Since my experience was not successful at this point, I’m not sure if I would use it in the classroom, because I always explain to my students the purpose of every assignment. I guess we could hope for the best and submit questions in the beginning of the year and hope some get answered. If I found that scientists did respond to at least half of the questions I would continue to use it when I cannot answer a science question.


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